Nosy Witch Questions: The Hermit

Nosy Witch Questions updated

The Hermit: Are you a solitary witch or are you part of a coven?

I’m pretty much solitary, unless you count my sweet wife.  We practice alone together.  We’re an eclectic pair of witches who love tea and cats and glitter.  I’d sort of love to be a part of a group, but I’m a little hesitant to join something as structured as a coven.  I don’t like a lot of dogma in my practice.  I would imagine if I found just the right group I’d enjoy it.

I’ve participated in a few weekend group witchy things and I’ve loved those.  I’ve met some more local people a few times but I’m a big introvert and I often find that I like the idea of practicing with a group rather than actually doing it.

Nosy Witch Questions: The Hermit

Nosy Witch Questions updated

The Hermit: Are you a solitary witch or are you part of a coven?

I’m pretty much solitary, unless you count my sweet wife.  We practice alone together.  We’re an eclectic pair of witches who love tea and cats and glitter.  I’d sort of love to be a part of a group, but I’m a little hesitant to join something as structured as a coven.  I don’t like a lot of dogma in my practice.  I would imagine if I found just the right group I’d enjoy it.

I’ve participated in a few weekend group witchy things and I’ve loved those.  I’ve met some more local people a few times but I’m a big introvert and I often find that I like the idea of practicing with a group rather than actually doing it.

Card of the Day: The Hermit


Today’s card is The Hermit from the Universal Goddess Tarot.

The Hermit is a favorite card of mine.  I’m an introvert and I very deeply identify with the idea of retreating from life every now and then to have some personal quiet time.  I alsoIMG_0563 consider myself a seeker: I’ve never truly settled into a specific spiritual path, instead learning about many different ones and taking pieces of truth when something resonates with me.  That’s what the Hermit encourages.

Here the Hermit is represented as Hecate, a goddess who is associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, dogs, light, the moon, magic, and witchcraft.  The Hermit is traditionally shown carrying some kind of light, very often a lantern, so her burning torch is very appropriate.

When my grandmother was in the process of passing away earlier this year, I prayed to Hecate to help ease her passage and help her to not feel fear.  I’m certainly not claiming that it was my prayer that did it, but my grandmother passed gently, in her sleep with my mother sitting right next to her.  I find comfort in the idea that there was something or someone to help her make that transition.

When the Hermit appears, it’s a sign that you need to take some time away from the rush of your life.  Take some time to ponder the mysteries of life, maybe do some self reflection and soul searching.  Is there something you’ve been avoiding dealing with?

This card can sometimes just represent a simple need to step back from demands and responsibilities, but this depiction especially brings to mind dealing with a big change or a difficult transition.  Hecate stands at the cross roads in your life and gently reminds you to take time to really think things through and make the right choice for you.  This is more than two paths diverging in a narrow wood.  This is a big important choice that will have ripple effects later on in life.  Hold space for that choice and make it wisely.