Order a Reading


Want to order a Tarot reading from me?

Simple Check-in

Simple Check-in

$5 – The most basic reading.  This is a one-card draw that I’ll interpret for you.  It’s a great way to get a small sample of my reading style and a quick insight about what guidance you need right now.  You’ll get a PDF emailed to you with a picture of the card and my interpretation.

Expanded Check-in

Expanded Check In

$15 – This is an expanded three card version of the single card check-in. It touches on three aspects of your situation: the mental, physical, and spiritual/metaphysical. This reading offers insight on where you are or what you need to focus on in your current situation.

Find the Path

Find the Path

$25 – Are you stuck in a negative situation? Can’t seem to move past a hurdle and you need a little insight to help you get started again? This is the reading for you. I’ll pull five cards and we’ll take a look at what’s holding you back and get some advice for how to move forward again. This reading is a great one for emotional healing from pain, or to help identify something that’s preventing you from growing and moving forward on your life path.

Custom Readings

Custom Reading (1)

These are as varied as they come.  A full custom reading is $35.  I’ll select a spread for you that is tailored to your question.  With a custom reading I’ll also help you to form a question if you’re not sure exactly how or what to ask.

Some sample readings available as custom readings: my Pride and Love Spread, Hestia’s New Home Spread, any spread I’ve created and shared on this site, general situational guidance, uncovering creative roadblocks, advice on overcoming past hurt/pain, and many more.  If you’re not sure what you need or want, just ask.  I won’t charge you until we’ve worked out just what you need.

What to Expect in a Reading from Me

You select your listing, being sure to include your question in the notes field.  I may reply with some clarifying questions about your question so I can provide you with the most useful reading possible.  You will receive a thoughtfully written email response within a week, with a personalized reading, including a picture of your spread, my interpretations, and some ideas or thoughts for you to consider.

Every tarot reader has a different style.  You can expect a creative, intuitive, magical reading of the cards.  I read from a variety of decks and I will choose one that I think particularly suits you as a querent and that can best answer your question.

My readings are intended to empower you to make the best possible choice for your highest good.  What you choose to do with your reading is up to you entirely, I believe in free will.  If you have more questions or concerns please take a look at my Code of Ethics, or send me an e-mail.

Before you order a reading for me, I encourage you to read over my Code of Ethics to make sure that my reading style and philosophy are a good match for you.  Also please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.  You can use the form below or send me an e-mail!

Terms and Conditions

I will only read for people 18 year of age and older.

I believe that every person has free will.  My readings and suggestions are only suggestions.  Any actions that you take or do not take are up to you.

I do not predict the future.  I can read about the path you are on and where it may be leading.  But only you can determine where you will continue to go after your reading.

I retain the right to refuse a reading not adhering to my code of ethics.  If a refusal is made and the client has already paid, a full refund will be provided.

I cannot give financial, medical, or legal advice as I am not qualified to do so.  I will refer you elsewhere as I am able.

I cannot give readings about third parties.

Readings will be delivered as a PDF by e-mail.  I normally deliver readings within a week of receiving payment; if there will be a delay I’ll let you know as soon as possible.